Who are these instructions for?
These instructions are intended for sales personnel in charge of splitting
cosmetic products manufactured by Natury for this purpose.
The objective of the recommendations contained in this document is to guarantee that
the cosmetic product fractionated at the point of sale is safe for the consumer. To do this
, it is necessary that these instructions are followed by the sales staff in charge of
the fractionation of cosmetics.
The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) published in April 2021
the "Instruction on the fractionation activity of cosmetic products". This brings
a little more clarity on what is considered a cosmetic product intended for splitting and the main instructions to follow for splitting.
a little more clarity on what is considered a cosmetic product intended for splitting and the main instructions to follow for splitting.
The document also highlights the need for the point of sale to have instructions
on how to perform the split provided by the manufacturer depending on the product.
This is why Natury offers this document in the form of instructions to the points
of sale, in order to guarantee that the cosmetic product fractionated at the point of sale
is safe for the consumer.
Natury cosmetic product intended for fractionation (PCDF): cosmetic product which is
fractionated and packaged at the point of sale in accordance with the instructions provided by Natury
Point of sale: physical establishment where the fractionation of the cosmetic product
product is carried out and made available to the consumer.
Unit of sale: cosmetic product divided up at the point of sale that the
consumer takes away.

Preservation and storage conditions
The cosmetic products intended for fractionation supplied by Natury as well as
the sales units resulting from fractionation at the point of sale must be stored
in accordance with the following requirements:
• Store in a cool, dry place.
• Avoid direct contact with the ground.
• Avoid sudden temperature variations which could affect the stability of the
• Do not expose the product to temperatures above 35°C and below 3°C.
• Do not expose the product to direct sunlight.
• Arrange the products in such a way that they do not exert excessive pressure between them
and thus compromise the packaging and/or its sealing.
• Shelf life of the PCDF and the sales
The shelf life or minimum expiry date of the cosmetic product intended to be split (Canister) if
it has not been opened is 24 to 36 months depending on the product. In the event of the start
of splitting, the shelf life is one year from the date of first opening (PAO).
As recommended by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS), the shelf life of the sales unit
that the consumer acquires (split product) is 3 months from the date of
purchase or split .
Dosing system cleaning and maintenance instructions
Natury cosmetic products intended to be divided at the point of sale are
supplied with a cap and a dosing or tap system. This
tap will be placed by the staff of the point of sale only when the
split begins.
With regard to the dosing system or valve, the following aspects must be taken into account:
• For each PCDF, Natury provides a dosing system unit (tap).
• At the point of sale, only this dosing system will be used.
• The dosing system will never be removed from the PCDF (Canister and/or "Bag in Box") except
momento, a excepción de la finalización del uso del producto. Ya sea por finalizar las
existencias del envase o bien, por la finalización de la vida útil del producto.
– Los grifos que no hayan empezado a usarse para el fraccionamiento se mantendrán en
at the end of the product's use.

Hygiene standards at the point of sale
The Natury packaging intended to contain the fractionated product (sales unit) must
be stored in such a way as to prevent the entry of dust and other external elements. It is
recommended to store the packages upside down or inside a plastic bag.
If the empty packaging is displayed at the point of sale, it must
remain properly covered until it is used for splitting.
Measures will be taken to reduce the risk of external contamination of the point of sale:
• Carpet
• Physical or air curtains that prevent the entry of dust particles and/or insects.
• Maintain proper cleanliness and disinfection of the point of sale, with emphasis
on areas where fractionation is carried out.
far from the entrance and exit of the establishment as possible.
posible de la entrada y salida del establecimiento.
Handling conditions For Natury containers
For Natury containers: First, remove the black cap and quickly close
the container with the dosing system (tap) provided by Natury. The product should be exposed to
the point-of-sale environment for as short a time as possible.
Once the tap has been installed, the container must be placed in its final place at the point of sale,
following the instructions in the previous section "Conditions of preservation and
Before proceeding with the fractionation, a visual inspection of the container to
llenar, asegurando que no hay restos de polvo o suciedad en general.
Posteriormente, se procederá al fraccionamiento evitando al máximo la exposición del producto
the environment as much as possible. For this, the container to be filled will be placed near the tap, but without
direct contact with it.
Once the split is complete, the consumer's selling unit
will be quickly closed. In addition, it will be checked that there are no product residues
left in the dosing system and, if necessary, the residues will be removed using a sterile cloth or tissue.
Finally, the sales unit that the consumer acquires will be labeled according to the
instructions in the following section.
Natury Packaging
The packaging offered by Natury for the fractionation of products intended for
this purpose has been studied to demonstrate their compatibility with the cosmetic product
as detailed in the European Regulation on cosmetic products 1223/2009.
For this reason, Natury recommends that points of sale use this
packaging exclusively. If the point of sale and/or the consumer decides to use other packaging without following these
recommendations, it will be their responsibility.

The marking on the sales unit acquired by the consumer
must include at least the following information:
• The name of the product or a reference allowing it to be identified
• The name and address of the responsible person
• The nominal quantity of the product
• The batch number
• The minimum use-by date of the product
• Special precautions for use
• The name and address of the responsible person
All this information, with the exception of the nominal quantity which will be determined by the
fractionation carried out at the point of sale, is available on the labeling of the product intended
to be fractionated (Can supplied by Natury).
• It is forbidden to transfer the cosmetic product into a container other than that intended for the end customer.
• Prohibition of adding ingredients to the product.
• Prohibition to fill containers, except those that Natury indicates as
intended to be filled and for which cleaning instructions
will be provided.
• Prohibition of handling the product in a way different from that
recommended by Natury when splitting at the point of sale.
• Prohibition of splitting cosmetic products that are not
intended to be split.
Document drawn up by the technical department of Natury




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